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Big Data - Hardware - MEMORY

Memory, or random access memory (RAM) as it is commonly referred to, is the crucial and often undervalued component in building a data mining platform. Memory is the intermediary between the storage of data and the processing of mathematical operations that are performed by the CPU. Memory is volatile, which means that if it loses power, the data stored in it is lost. In the 1980s and 1990s, the development of data mining algorithms was very constrained by both memory and CPU. The memory constraint was due to the 32-bit operating systems, which allow only 4 GB of memory to be addressed. This limit effectively meant that no data mining problem that required more than 4 GB of memory (minus the software and operating system running on the machine) could be done using memory alone. This is very significant because the data throughput of memory is typically 12 to 30 GB/sec, and the fastest storage is only around 6 GB/sec with most storage throughput being much less. Around 2004, commodity hardware (Intel and AMD) supported 64-bit computing. At the same time operating systems became capable of supporting larger amounts of memory, the actual price of memory dropped dramatically. In 2000, the average price of 1 MB of RAM was $1.12. In 2005, the average price was $0.185; and in 2010, it was $0.0122. With this support of 64-bit computing systems that can address up to 8 TB of memory and the drop in memory prices, it was now possible to build data mining platforms that could store the entire data mining problem in memory. This in turn produced results in a fraction of the time. Data mining algorithms often require all data and computation to be done in memory. Without external storage, the increase in virtual and real address space as well as the dramatic drop in the price of memory created an opportunity to solve many data mining problems that previously were not feasible. To illustrate this example, consider a predictive modeling problem that uses a neural network algorithm. The neural network will perform an iterative optimization to find the best model. For each iteration, it will have to read the data one time. It is not uncommon for neural networks to make thousands of passes through the data to find the optimal solution. If these passes are done in memory at 20 GB/sec versus on disk at 1 GB/sec, a problem that is only 10 seconds to solve in memory will be more than 3 minutes to solve using disk. If this scenario is repeated often, the productivity of the data miner plummets. In addition to the productivity of the human capital, if the data mining processes relied on disk storage, the computation would take many times longer to complete. The longer a process takes to complete, the higher the probability of some sort of hardware failure. These types of failure are typically unrecoverable, and the entire process must be restarted. Memory speeds have increased at a much more moderate rate than processor speeds. Memory speeds have increased by 10 times compared to processor speeds, which have increased 10,000 times. Disk storage throughput has been growing at an even slower rate than memory. As a result, data mining algorithms predominantly maintain all data structures in memory and have moved to distributed computing to increase both computation and memory capacity. Memory bandwidth is typically in the 12 to 30 GB/sec range, and memory is very inexpensive. High-bandwidth storage maxes out in the 6 GB/sec range and is extremely expensive. It is much less expensive to deploy a set of commodity systems with healthy amounts of memory than to purchase expensive high-speed disk storage systems. Today's modern server systems typically come loaded with between 64 GB and 256 GB of memory. To get fast results, the sizing of memory must be considered. The largest integer value that 32-bit operating systems can use to address or reference memory is 232−1, or 3.73 GB, of memory.


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