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Like any application platform, a Big Data application platform must support all of the functionality required for any application platform, including elements such as scalability, security, availability, and continuity.

Yet Big Data Application platforms are unique; they need to be able to handle massive amounts of data across multiple data stores and initiate concurrent processing to save time. This means that a Big Data platform should include built-in support for technologies such as MapReduce, integration with external Not only SQL (NoSQL) databases, parallel processing capabilities, and distributed data services. It should also make use of the new integration targets, at least from a development perspective.

Consequently, there are specific characteristics and features that a Big Data platform should offer to work effectively with Big Data analytics processes:

- Support for batch and real-time analytics. Most of the existing platforms for processing data were designed for handling transactional Web applications and have little support for business analytics applications. That situation has driven Hadoop to become the de facto standard for handling batch processing. However, real-time analytics is altogether different, requiring something more than Hadoop can offer. An event-processing framework needs to be in place as well. Fortunately, several technologies and processing alternatives exist on the market that can bring real-time analytics into Big Data platforms, and many major vendors, such as Oracle, HP, and IBM, are offering the hardware and software to bring real-time processing to the forefront. However, for the smaller business that may not be a viable option because of the cost. For now, real-time processing remains a function that is provided as a service via the cloud for smaller businesses.

- Alternative approaches. Transforming Big Data application development into something more mainstream may be the best way to leverage what is offered by Big Data. This means creating a built-in stack that integrates with Big Data databases from the NoSQL world and creating MapReduce frameworks such as Hadoop and distributed processing. Development should account for the existing transaction-processing and event-processing semantics that come with the handling of the real-time analytics that fit into the Big Data world.
Creating Big Data applications is very different from writing a typical “CRUD application” (create, retrieve, update, delete) for a centralized relational database. The primary difference is with the design of the data domain model, as well as the API and Query semantics that will be used to access and process that data. Mapping is an effective approach in Big Data, hence the success of MapReduce, in which there is an impedance mismatch between different data models and sources. An appropriate example is the use of object and relational mapping tools like Hibernate for building a bridge between the impedance mismatches.

- Available Big Data mapping tools. Batch-processing projects are being serviced with frameworks such as Hive, which provide an SQL-like facade for handling complex batch processing with Hadoop. However, other tools are starting to show promise. An example is JPA, which provides a more standardized JEE abstraction that fits into real-time Big Data applications. The Google app Engine uses Data Nucleus along with Bigtable to achieve the same goal, while GigaSpaces uses OpenJPA’s JPA abstraction combined with an in-memory data grid. Red Hat takes a different approach and leverages Hibernate object-grid mapping to map Big Data.

- Big Data abstraction tools. There are several choices available to abstract data, ranging from open source tools to commercial distributions of specialized products. One to pay attention to is Spring Data from SpringSource, which is a high-level abstraction tool that offers the ability to map different data stores of all kinds into one common abstraction through annotation and a plug-in approach.
Of course, one of the primary capabilities offered by abstraction tools is the ability to normalize and interpret the data into a uniform structure, which can be further worked with. The key here is to make sure that whatever abstraction technology is employed deals with current and future data sets efficiently.

- Business logic. A critical component of the Big Data analytics process is logic, especially business logic, which is responsible for processing the data. Currently, MapReduce reigns supreme in the realm of Big Data business logic. MapReduce was designed to handle the processing of massive amounts of data through moving the processing logic to the data and distributing the logic in parallel to all nodes. Another factor that adds to the appeal of MapReduce is that developing parallel processing code is very complex.
When designing a custom Big Data application platform, it is critical to make MapReduce and parallel execution simple. That can be accomplished by mapping the semantics into existing programming models. An example is to extend an existing model, such as SessionBean, to support the needed semantics. This makes parallel processing look like a standard invocation of single-job execution.

- Moving away from SQL. SQL is a great query language. However, it is limited, at least in the realm of Big Data. The problem lies in the fact that SQL relies on a schema to work properly, and Big Data, especially when it is unstructured, does not work well with schema-based queries. It is the dynamic data structure of Big Data that confounds the SQL schema-based processes. Here Big Data platforms must be able to support schema-less semantics, which in turn means that the data mapping layer would need to be extended to support document semantics. Examples are MongoDB, CouchBase, Cassandra, and the GigaSpaces document API. The key here is to make sure that Big Data application platforms support more relaxed versions of those semantics, with a focus on providing flexibility in consistency, scalability, and performance.

- In-memory processing. If the goal is to deliver the best performance and reduce latency, then one must consider using RAM-based devices and perform processing in-memory. However, for that to work effectively, Big Data platforms need to provide a seamless integration between RAM and disk-based devices in which data that are written in RAM would be synched into the disk asynchronously. Also, the platforms need to provide common abstractions that allow users the same data access API for both devices and thus make it easier to choose the right tool for the job without changing the application code.

- Built-in support for event-driven data distribution. Big Data applications (and platforms) must also be able to work with event-driven processes. With Big Data, this means there must be data awareness incorporated, which makes it easy to route messages based on data affinity and the content of the message. There also have to be controls that allow the creation of fine-grained semantics for triggering events based on data operations (such as add, delete, and update) and content, as with complex event processing.

- Support for public, private, and hybrid clouds. Big Data applications consume large amounts of computer and storage resources. This has led to the use of the cloud and its elastic capabilities for running Big Data applications, which in turn can offer a more economical approach to processing Big Data jobs. To take advantage of those economics, Big Data application platforms must include built-in support for public, private, and hybrid clouds that will include seamless transitions between the various cloud platforms through integration with the available frameworks. Examples abound, such as JClouds and Cloud Bursting, which provides a hybrid model for using cloud resources as spare capacity to handle load.

- Consistent management. The typical Big Data application stack incorporates several layers, including the database itself, the Web tier, the processing tier, caching layer, the data syn-chronization and distribution layer, and reporting tools. A major disadvantage for those managing Big Data applications is that each of those layers comes with different management, provisioning, monitoring, and troubleshooting tools. Add to that the inherent complexity of Big Data applications, and effective management, along with the associated maintenance, becomes difficult.

With that in mind, it becomes critical to choose a Big Data application platform that integrates the management stack with the application stack. An integrated management capability is one of the best productivity elements that can be incorporated into a Big Data platform.

Building a Big Data platform is no easy chore, especially when one considers that there may be a multitude of right ways and wrong ways to do it. This is further complicated by the plethora of tools, technologies, and methodologies available. However, there is a bright side that stresses flexibility, and since Big Data is constantly evolving, flexibility will rule in building a custom platform or choosing one off the shelf.

Taken from : Big Data Analytics: Turning Big Data into Big Money


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