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Cancer is a serious disorder that occurs due to an uninhibited multiplication and growth of some cells in the body. It originates in any particular organ or tissues and often spreads to the surrounding or distant structures. It can spread to the neighboring organs by direct extension of the cancer cells to the tissues of the surrounding organs. The spread of cancer to the distant organs occurs via the passage of the cells through the blood and lymphatic system. The abnormal cell growth and multiplication can erode the tissues of the organ resulting in destruction that severely affects the normal functioning of the organ.

Hence, it is very important to stop this division of cells and the spread of cancer to the other organs. However, as in most cases, the immunity of the person is involved in the process; it becomes difficult to control the growth of cancer.

• This is where herbs like garlic can help by correcting the response of the immune system to the abnormal cancer cells.

• It helps in the eradication of the abnormal cells and prevents them from multiplying in an uninhibited manner.

• The use of garlic can frozen with the conventional modes of treatment for cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery, when appropriate, for better and faster results.

Besides this, garlic also offers other health benefits like
• Improving the metabolism of the body, protecting the heart from illnesses like heart attacks, reducing leucorrhea and preventing prostatic diseases.

• It works in managing these illnesses with its strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial actions.

• Recent research has shown that garlic can improve the metabolism of iron and helps to keep a higher amount of iron in circulation thereby enhancing the efficiency of the blood to transport oxygen to the major organs of the body.

Though we know today that garlic can not bring in good luck, ward off vampires or protect us against evil, the characteristics assigned to it in the traditional folk tales; it is guaranteed to be much beyond that in reality. It can transform a meal into a healthy and aromatic, culinary experience.

Here is meant to provide information about the uses of garlic in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Readers can also learn about what is cancer and the different types or stages of the disease. It will focus on providing information about the different cancers that can be managed well by using Garlic. It also includes chapters on the other health benefits of garlic and the different ways to consume it for availing its medicinal benefits. Hopefully, this book will help the cancer patients all over the world to manage their illness in a more effective and harmless way and help them survive cancer and lead a healthy and long life.

Source Of Information : Garlic: A Great Anti-Cancer Agent


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