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Foods to be avoided that can bring about High Cholesterol

Health experts recommend that any person should consumer dietary cholesterol not in excess of 300mg on a daily basis but for those individuals who have high cholesterol levels should not exceed 200mg per day. Cholesterol is found in animal meat and other types of foods, these include; meat, eggs, avocados, dairy products among others. Foods that are cholesterol free include; fresh fruits and vegetables. It should be noted that vegetable oil can raise blood cholesterol levels especially when eaten with foods that are high in cholesterol.

The more saturated fats you have in your body the high your bad cholesterol, LDL levels will be. Therefore if there is a percentage increase in calories then they will be a double percentage increase in your blood cholesterol levels, consequently if a percentage of calories is decreased then twice that percentage of cholesterol will decrease.

High cholesterol problems can be easily prevented and treated by eating foods that are low in cholesterol and by avoiding entirely foods high in cholesterol. This will consequently reduce your LDL levels and generally reduce the high cholesterol levels in your body. Avoid foods that are likely to increase cholesterol in your blood stream, especially foods that need to be cooked first before consumption, for example, eggs have very little impact on your blood cholesterol levels however if combined with sausages and bacon the consequence will be far much more worse.

Other types of foods to avoid are fried foods like, French fries and anything other foods that are deep fried. Most foods are quite harmless and only become harmful once they are cooked in hot oil. If foods like fish which contain Omega-3 fatty acids that are very essential in combating high cholesterol are deep fried all the nutrients are replaced with the saturated fats and this will increase your bad cholesterols.

Cholesterol reducing foods are the number one safest alternative for lowering cholesterol however if they are combined with a lot of saturated fats then they cease to do any good to your body and increase your health risk. It is better to consume this foods in their most natural way avoiding any lose of very little lose
of nutrients.

Source from : Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally: Learn How To Get Started Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally Today by Amy Austen


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