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War and Money

Many people profit from the atrocities of war. Politicians, the government, arms and commodity dealers, civilian contractors and black marketers, yet the banks are the true profiteers of war. Large
banks are deeply interested in war due to the extensive opportunities for enormous profits. As a corporate entity; they hold no allegiance to a nation or its people. A bank holds allegiance only to
money. Big Bankers have outed themselves as elite opportunists, constantly finding ways to
manufacture money, perhaps barely within lawful limits, yet with morals clearly set aside.

Throughout history, America's neutrality has been emphatically questioned due to the practice of powerful banks financing both of the warring parties. They have also been known to favor one side over the other, investing heavily to predict the winner that will most benefit them politically or financially.

No country has the equity on hand to fund an entire war; cost is enormous and instantaneous. This is where the banks have learned it is highly profitable to diversify their portfolio. Many critics consider it a highly immoral practice yet when your only intent is to collect a profit, it makes it easy to turn a blind eye to the underlying principles.

It is common for banks to engage in lending money to governments of opposing sides at high-interest rates, extending credit to commercial companies supplying aircraft and bullets to both parties and
financing the smallest companies right down to the bandages. Once high-interest rates are in place for
friends and foes alike, the government then begins their profit run by collecting income taxes paid by U.S. companies. More importantly, they are now in the position to completely control countries saddled with huge debts from the war, raping them of their natural commodities. Whether they manipulate either side into starting a war is another question entirely, yet you can be sure that when the opportunity arises, they jump at it.

With adequate funding easily available, the war is often prolonged far beyond what would have been normally afforded by the participating countries. Big business is so focused on the shortterm profit stimulation, they forget that in the long term, war is drastically destructive to the people and their economy. Where war is, so is inflation. Prices are high, income taxes increased, living conditions
are worsened, trade is disrupted, wealth is exhausted, economic development is impeded and the prosperity of the working people is acutely undermined. Mayhem ensues and mercenaries are born from ordinary citizens just trying to survive.

The powers that be also fail to take into account, not only the lag of capital and labor diverted from developmental projects dropped upon war commencement, yet also the immense cost to rebuild the intense destruction of farms, factories, and even whole cities. Often, also part of the grisly package is war-induced death from injury, starvation, and plague. Some countries populations have been reduced by as much as 50%. Think of the effect this would have on economic reform.

Source of Information : Ask About Gold By Michael Ruge


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