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Thailand - Waterfall

Huay Mae Kamin Waterfall
Huay Mae Kamin, for tourists who love waterfalls, is a heavenly destination located two hours west of Bangkok near Kanchanaburi. The flawless beauty and refreshingly cool stream is one of the most famous and beautiful cascading waterfalls of Thailand. The stream flows down step-by-step and is surrounded by sparse forest, mountain range and various kinds of herbs. It originates from Kala mountain range. The waterfall is situated on the east of Sri Nakarin Dam National Park.

Erawan Waterfall
Situated some 65 kilometers from Kanchanaburi along Route 3199, this 550-square-kilometer national park is best known for its seven-level Erawan Waterfall, which is one of Thailand’s most famous, and most beautiful. Among all levels, the second level of the fall features vast, picturesque pond ideal for swimming while trekking trails to the upper levels are also favored by adventurous lovers. Bungalows and camping facilities are available.

Thi Lo Su Waterfall
Namtok Thi Lo Su is located in the Umphang Wildlife Sanctuary in the northwest, a UNESCO World Heritage site, which links with the Thung Yai Naresuan and Huai Kha Kaeng Reserves, as well as Khlong Lan and Mae Wong National Parks. Together, they form Thailand’s largest wildlife haven
and Southeast Asia’s top virgin forest. is the monsoon season. Travel in the area during June  November is very difficult. and it also allows the forest to recover and for wildlife to search for food and breed.

Huay Mae Kamin瀑布


Thi Lo Su瀑布
Namtok thi lo su瀑布坐落在泰国北部达府Umphang野生动物保护区内,被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产。瀑布与Thung Yai Naresuan, HuaiKha Kaeng自然保护区相连,与Khlong Lan和Mae Wong国家公园一道,形成泰国最大的野生动物保护区和东南亚顶级的原始森林。每年的六月至十一月是当地的季风季节,对于在这个区域内旅行会是一件比较困难的事情。在这个时期森林会进行自我修复,野生动物也会在这个时候出来觅食,繁衍后代。


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